Monday 13 October 2014

Mid-Month Favourites

I'm just going to put my hands up and say that I haven't blogged in forever because university life has been hectic. Writing and shooting outfits is something that I love to do and it sucks that I haven't been able to. But, I've just handed in my first assignment and my the outfits should hopefully be back soon. For now here's what I've been loving recently.

1) Phone Case, Primark- This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. It was super cheap and cheerful and I was seriously needing to update my phone case situation!
2) Carmex- After my favourite chapstick went walkies I picked this one up at the Supermarket. It works like nothing else and I love the packaging.
3) Rainy Day Nail Polish, Topshop- blue toned greys are a new favourite nail polish shade. It goes with everything and the Topshop nail polish is so long lasting!
4) Vixen Nail Polish, Revlon- the brush on this baby ain't so great, but the colour is! This was doing the rounds on all the blogs last year but I held off because last winter was all about Essie's Luxedo for me.
5) Alarm Clock, M&S- I tried to bring as many little reminders of home when I moved into university. Being surrounded by familiar little trinkets has made my room feel so much more like my room, if that makes sense. 

How has October been for you so far? All I can think about right now is Halloween and playing dress-up. Did someone say Wednesday Addams? Watch this space! x


  1. That phone case is the absolute cutest, too adorable x

  2. Damn, I hate when my personal belongings suddenly think they are better than me and uproot elsewhere.
    My thoughts are with you and your family during this time of distress; I hope your favourite chapstick finds its way back to you.
    This might make me a creepy stalker (this is debatable, don't look too much into it.) but you should do a tour of your uni room! #roomtour #mtvcribs #reppin'

    Other Infinities

  3. Hope you're having fun at uni! I really miss it.

    That alarm clock is adorable.

    Corinne x

  4. Cute stuff you got :)
    That clock just reminded me of Alice in Wonderland !


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