Wednesday 26 November 2014

New Uniform

Wearing: Coat - Topshop, Tee, Jeans and Slip Ons - Primark, 

You might have noticed that my last post was a whole twenty days ago, and I feel like every time I write a blog post it starts with the famous words "Sorry I've been away, but I'm back now!" All I can say is thank you for sticking with me on this one, people. I still love this blog more than ever, but it seems that there aren't enough hours in the day to work, eat, blog and watch countless episodes of Gossip Girl when I should be sleeping. 

University has meant two things have happened. 1) Primark is my most visited shop and 2) I feel like I constantly wear the same outfits, this being one of them. Does anyone else agree with me in thinking that wearing a uniform was so much easier? I guess this is my new uniform - black skinnies, pumps and a tee. Super boring, but super comfy. You gotta get your priorities right! 

Thursday 6 November 2014

The "5 Product Face"

There are days when I crack out the palettes and multiple products, then there's every other normal day when I stick to five or six products before leaving the house.

1) Skip foundation and start with concealer. On my last trip to Boots I picked up the Collection Illuminating Touch Concealer which is great under the eyes, and any other problem areas or old blemishes, blended out with your usual foundation brush.

2) I add a bit of colour to my cheeks with a Sleek Luminous Pressed Powder in a shade or three darker than my skin tone, so this acts as a blusher / bronzer / contour / general warmth giver.

3) Liquid eyeliner is as technical as I get on a day like this and I'll often skip it out. I grab the first one I see, which turned out to be the Natural Collection Liquid Eyeliner today.

4) Mascara comes next, and more often then not I'll use Benefit They're Real! to coat my lashes.

5) Finally, fill in those brows! Last week I picked up the Maybelline Brow Satin Pencil which lets you add colour to get just the right amount of 'Cara'- nothing too over the top.