Wednesday 26 November 2014

New Uniform

Wearing: Coat - Topshop, Tee, Jeans and Slip Ons - Primark, 

You might have noticed that my last post was a whole twenty days ago, and I feel like every time I write a blog post it starts with the famous words "Sorry I've been away, but I'm back now!" All I can say is thank you for sticking with me on this one, people. I still love this blog more than ever, but it seems that there aren't enough hours in the day to work, eat, blog and watch countless episodes of Gossip Girl when I should be sleeping. 

University has meant two things have happened. 1) Primark is my most visited shop and 2) I feel like I constantly wear the same outfits, this being one of them. Does anyone else agree with me in thinking that wearing a uniform was so much easier? I guess this is my new uniform - black skinnies, pumps and a tee. Super boring, but super comfy. You gotta get your priorities right! 


  1. Love this outfit, I gotta admit I tend to conform to the same outfit most of the time, and it's very similar to this!x

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  2. Such a comfortable outfits, I love wearing stuff like this for casual outings and etc.

    D'aww your dog is soo cute!


  3. It's understandable dear! Great uniform - I can wear those slip-ons all day everyday! =)

    - Che

  4. Nothin wrong with a uniform, you may find a few years after uni this happens naturally too. Nice to get the pooch in there.

    Buckets & Spades

  5. I love your shoes and your dog is adorable

  6. Your dog is so cute! Sigh I wish my natural hair colour was like yours!

    Bf Gf Does Blogging

  7. Great outfit! I love that shirt!
    Melanie @

  8. Your puppy is adorable <33 haha
    love your sneakers :D

  9. I would make a comment about the twenty whole days ago post, but myself and my sporadic posting schedule have no room to talk.
    Wearing a uniform is easier, ONLY if you get creative choice over that uniform; I'm still scarred from high school. I can't look a blazer without dry-heaving, hahaa.

    Love and miss you, btw what is your dogs name? I think it is time I got on first name basis with it/him/she/dog/cat/hybrid.
    Other Infinities

  10. Your dog OMG adorable! Loving the outfit too x


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