Monday 18 January 2016

January '16 / Playlist

Music has been the only thing getting me through the past few weeks of revision and essay writing. The deadlines seem never ending, I swear. I seem to be one of the few people I know that studies with music on. The noise helps me concentrate and I'm much more productive when I have my headphones on. Plus, it's great to pause the revision for three minutes when a great song comes on and just dance in your chair, you know? All of these artists (and more) have been on my January exams playlist, but these songs have been my favourites.

I took this photo last Friday after spending the day walking around Leeds with Georgia. The view from the top of the hill we walk down to get home is amazing at night. What is normally a cloudy, rough around the edges area of the city looks so crisp and pretty in winter. Because it's exam period everywhere is a ghost town - I can't wait for everyone to be back in the city and for lectures to start back! I'm starting some modules this semester which will hopefully be really fun. If you ever want me to write a post on my degree, my university and the whole experience let me know! 

What have you been listening to this month? Give me some recommendations folks x


  1. The hills by the Weeknd is definitely one of our top tracks so far! Love the 1975's stuff so will have to give that a listen :)
    Feel free to check out our latest post x

    1. I'll head over to your blog, thanks for commenting! Definitely listen to the 1975, their new stuff is great! x

  2. I love If you ever want to be in love by James Bay & Perfect by
    Selena Gomez. You should definitely give it a listen!


    1. I haven't listened to Selena Gomez's new stuff, thanks for the recommendation! x


Thank you for leaving a comment! I read each and every one. Leave me a link and I'll try and pop over to your blog, too. x