Sunday 22 October 2017

Grandma's Jumper

Jeans - Zara // Loafers  - Dune // Belt - Primark // 

Despite my best intentions, I've been away for a while. Since I last blogged I've found a few new favourite things; two of them being these jeans and loafers. In the past few months I've made a conscious effort to buy things that are missing from my wardrobe. I hesitate to call them investment pieces, but they are pieces that I'll keep and re-wear and that will be staples in my wardrobe. After a few months of loving content created by the likes of Lizzy Hadfield etc, I felt I needed a good pair of straight leg / mom jeans and a pair of black gucci-esque loafers - things I've considered buying for a while and had decided would add another dimension to my outfits. 

I did some hunting online and tried a few different options before I found my new additions. After struggling to find a pair of mom jeans I could actually bend my legs in (has anyone else found that struggle?) I found my new chosen pair in Zara - that I'd seen Emma Hill wear on her YouTube channel. The loafers took a few attempts before I found the right pair. Turns out I have massive feet that are too wide for most pairs of loafers! But this pair from Dune were worth the money. The leather is soft and they've worn in nicely already without any blisters which surprised me. 

There's been a shift in my style this year and I think I've found what I want my style to be for the first time in a while. Pieces are slowly being added to my wardrobe and even though I'll always have a few spendy bones in my body, I'm working at buying less and really spending time to find the right pieces for me. Less fast fashion and more considered purchases is the direction I'm heading in. 

Finally, let's talk about this wonderful jumper I'm wearing. Can you believe it was made by my grandma? She really is a gem. Back in the summer I mentioned how I was lusting for a chunky, cable knit for the autumn. Before long I was picking wool and getting measured and 8 weeks later, the jumper was mine! She really is a clever lady and I'm so in awe of her talent. It's got me wanting to pick up knitting again this year. I just need to find a straightforward project to get me started - maybe a blanket is a good place to start. 

Ruby x


  1. Perfect outfit for autumn! Loving those loafers too.

    Joy to the World

  2. I love this outfit - the pieces are timeless! Also does your grandma have an etsy store or something because that jumper is amazing!
    I feel you on the jean hunt struggle. Every pair of mom jeans I've tried are either too loose or too stiff!

    Belle in Black and White


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