Thursday 11 December 2014

Barry M Aquarium Collection

It felt like in every November favourites video I watched this year duo-chrome nail polish was mentioned, so it was only a matter of time before I tried one out.

Barry M is always the place to look if you want to try out a new nail trend- they've probably got it covered for a price tag of £3.99! I picked up the shade Persian from their Aquarium collection, but it didn't quite live up to all my hopes. In the bottle it comes across as a purple / gold / green colour but after painting on two coats, it was a bright purple / brown colour. In hindsight I probably didn't pick the right shade for me - I consistently go for the more muted or dark shades, so many the navy option would have been a wiser choice. 

As with all Barry M polishes, the formula is great for the price you pay. Sans top coat it will definitely last a good 3-4 days before it needs some attention! I'm definitely going to revisit the collection next time I go to Boots. Are there any other duo-chrome polishes I should look at? 

Before I go- can I give a little shout-out to blogger and friend Katy? She braved the cold walk to the park to take these photos for me. Go and say hi on her blog for me? 


  1. Lovely color :)

  2. This is such a beautiful colour I wish we had Barry M in Canada

  3. What a lovely little mani! Didn't know Barry M did nail varnishes with this kinda finish :)

    Hannah x | hannatalks

  4. So lovely! I love the vampy sheen the varnish has! I also really like all your rings too :) xx

  5. Such a great colour, look different in the light so if you can't decide it's great! xx

    Suki and the City

  6. This effect is amaaazing!! Really cool polish!
    By the way, your dog looks like the one we have in our company, its the owners one! So funny!!

    What about following each other? I would really love to keep in touch honey!
    I just followed you, would be delighted if you could return the favor!

    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful // Bloglovin'

  7. I don't think we have that brand where I live :( Shame because the color is flawless, and that's a nice application too. I think the color looks pretty on you, especially with the gold rings.

    Z. | J. POTTER


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