Thursday 18 June 2015

Dancing Shoes

Crop Top - H&M // Skirt - River Island // Bag and Shoes - New Look // Olivia Burton

If you're even an infrequent visitor my corner of the internet, you'll know I'm not one to dress up. Thankfully where I go to university it's normal to wear trainers on a night out so you're way more likely to Nikes than in heels. But there's one event a year when you feel obliged to bring out a pair of heels - the university ball. It's still quite a casual night, with fair ground rides and gigs dotted around university, but it's the most dressy that I've been in a while and I thought that was reason enough to share the outfit with you! I think I've found the right balance between all dressed up and casual so expect me to repeat variations of this outfit for a while.

Although I have to make a confession. On the night I cheated and cracked out the comfy ankle boots- they still have a heel but I just couldn't face a night of queues and dancing in these shoes. One day I'll learn how to brave the pain, I swear. There's just something about being 5ft10" without heels that makes me feel like a, awkward towering lump. Are there any other tall girls that feel the same? 

I've been home from university now for just under a week and I'm feeling a little lost. I've decided that this summer it's time for me to read every classic novel under the Sun. If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments! x


  1. So beautiful Ruby, you look gorgeous! x

  2. You look gorgeous !

  3. This is such a great outfit! I love the skirt and shoes! I'm loving your blog x

  4. Love everything about this outfit, the skirt is divine! Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  5. You look gorgeous. Everything looks so pretty together. I especially like your shoes!

    Frankie the Teddy Girl

  6. Ruby I do exactly the same and I'm about four inches shorter than you! Who can seriously be bothered with heels on a night out?! Not me thats for sure!
    And I am in love with classic literature so if you're ever looking for one just ask! I'd recommend Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice for a good love story or maybe The Kite Runner (not technically classic) for a good tear jerker!

    Holly xx

  7. You look stunning! And I'm quite jealous, I'd love to be 5ft 10 without heels :D


  8. You look so pretty and I have to say that I am jealous because I couln't ever wear such high heels for a dancing night!!!

    Oh I have a question about Leeds(since I have seen that you go there to the uni), is it a nice city? I would like to have a gap year in UK and I'm uncertain... Leeds or Brighton?

    Thank you so much in advance if you can reply me, xx
    Free Spirit

  9. Oh, this look is beautiful! These heels are absolutely gorgeous but I simply can't imagine dancing in these heel-pressure inducing heels for an entire night, so your switch is completely understandable! I went to a party the other day and actually wore heels out to dance; they were 5 inches high but I think the only reason I was able to brave away was because they were chunky and platformed, haha! You look great! <3

    May x | THE MAYDEN

  10. You look gorgeous! I've never been able to pull off a gray monochrome outfit, but you're slaying it. You look fabulous.

    -Shelby Lee

  11. Adorable look. Sexy and feminine. Perfect shoes choice +_+



  12. pretty and simple! love it!

  13. That skirt looks amazing on you! I love this outfit x

  14. You look amazing! I love everything about this outfit, the top looks amazing on you! :) xx


  15. Love that skirt! adorable print :)


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