Tuesday 12 November 2013

Wish List: 12/11/13

Wish List: 12/11/13

Wish List: 12/11/13 by rubysterland 

To any family members feeling extremely generous... did someone mention Christmas? 

I've had lots of chances to scan the shelves over the past few weeks and it's fair to say that my wish list has been piling up.

A christmas jumper from Miss Selfridge, because I can't say no.

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner- I saw Anna from using this last week in a fab post. I want.

A potentially dangerous trip to the John Lewis Beauty Hall left me pining for the Bobbi Brown Corrector. 

I also found some shelves stacked with Diptyque goodness, and found Philosykos. 

 Another Miss Selfridge offering that I will definitely get my hands on when it's back in stock.

A pair of fluffy, velvet-y slippers from Boden


  1. I'd love to try Philosykos - I've only heard wonderful things about it and at the moment I love anything with earthy warm fig :o). Xx


  2. ooohh! love that dress!! so fancy and perfect for the holidays!!

    Animated Confessions

  3. I also want the Bobbi Brown corrector - so many amazing reviews about it!


  4. Oooh can it please be Christmas already?! That dress is gorgeous, I love the fluffy skirt!

    Mili from Call me, Maeby


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