Monday 12 May 2014

The Wkend #1 | Visual Diary

~outfit details~

~views of the garden~

~outfit details take II~

~the hallway~

~from where I stand~

~the ferry and sash windows~

This weekend I got snap-happy on a trip to the Isle of Wight to document the weekend's happenings and of course, what I was wearing. Here are the cream of the crop from the last 48 hours! If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you might notice that there is no mention of the wedding I was harping on about. Firstly, well done you for noticing, and secondly, there'll be a post about it later this week!

The island is beautiful, if a little breezy. My weekend there involved long car journeys, a ferry trip, seaside views, beaches and family. A busy weekend and many, many hours in the car meant my outfit had to be simple- a concept that I'm quite familiar with when it comes to dressing. I recreated one of my  favourite outfits, keeping the colour scheme all Navy. A day-time appropriate black, if you will.

Have you been travelling anywhere recently? Also- don't forget to check back on Saturday for my next outfit post...


  1. These photos look fab, really like them
    Feel free to check out our newest post x

  2. Great photos - can I ask, where is your coat from? x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  3. Really like this collection of photos, very nautical. Where can I find that gold braided necklace you're wearing?


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