Monday 29 April 2013

What Inspires You?

Over the past year or two I've been keeping a scrap book. It started out simply as something to put in  everything I saw in magazines which I liked, and something to do on a rainy day. However, due to many, many rainy days, it's become something more than that now.

I have slowly built up a catalogue of trends. It works as a reference book for me on which trends are/ have been popular and how people wear these trends. I still have cuttings of things I love, be it an article, some photography or an advertising campaign which has caught my eye.

One of my biggest sources of inspiration are blogs. Favourites include The Sartorialist, We Wore What and Views of Now, but these are only a few! The next biggest thing to inspire me are magazines! Harper's Bazaar is a favourite of mine. 

I wondered what inspires you all? Is it TV and Film, Magazines, Blogs, Photography? This post is purely in regards to style and fashion, but I want to know who inspires you, not just in what you wear but in what you stand for. Comment below!


  1. This is such a great idea, a physical copy of your inspiration! I feel like I always see things online (blogs, magazines, etc.) and am inspired... but then forget about them lol

    Mili from call me, Maeby

    1. I'm exactly the same, this is why my book is so useful! x

  2. great collection!!

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin?

  3. RUBY PLEASE JUST TEXT ME BACK. :( I really miss Lissy and I'd love to send her an E-mail...

    1. Hi Jule! I've spoken to Lissy, she said she was going to email you! :-) I haven't had any texts from you, I must have a new number. Facebook me if you need me xx

    2. Thank you so much!!! xxx

  4. Following blogs is really inspirational for me- that along with pinterest ;-) Following <3 Alex

  5. This is such a gorgeous post! You've inspired me to get back into my scrapbooking in the next holidays. I have a shoebox full of postcards, cute pieces of ribbon, magazine tearaways & more which are begging to be collaged.

    S xo


Thank you for leaving a comment! I read each and every one. Leave me a link and I'll try and pop over to your blog, too. x