Friday 27 December 2013

Update: Merry Christmas!

Other than eating, drinking, and playing games with the family, I spent some time capturing little moments of the day. 

*Cue pretty lights and food*

If you celebrate Christmas I hope you had a wonderful day. I hope your head isn't pounding too much from all the Christmas cocktails, and that you have plenty of left-overs for the next week. (Because let's face it, who doesn't love left-over turkey and stuffing?) Now to hibernate in a corner with chocolate and a good festive movie... 


  1. those are really lovely pictures, you're a really good photographer :) x

  2. ah, i just adore your nails and your gingerbread house! such a lovely holiday for such pretty thing! i hope you had a merry one!

    lindsey louise

  3. Your skin is so flawless! You're absolutely stunning xx
    Hope you had an amazing Christmas, Ruby!

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

  4. Lovely Christmas snaps! Fab nails, and your desserts look incred! Hope you had a great time :)

    Helen at Hels Yeah! xx

  5. Happy holidays! I love your sparkly mani - so perfect:)
    xo, Chelsea


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