Wednesday 11 June 2014

Summertime Sadness

Even though the Sun has come out a little bit since taking these outfit snaps, how crazy is it that it's June and I'm wearing a knitted jumper, thick tights and boots? I actually bought these shorts for my holiday wardrobe, but let's be realistic here. I do live in England so the likelihood is that I'll be wearing these shorts with tights more often than not. 

Other than constantly complaining about the weather, there's really not much to report on. I have two more exams to go until my Summer officially starts, so this time next week I'll be in the exam hall, sitting my last one! I'm signing off now, because revision is calling. I bet you can all guess what I'm doing this weekend? 


  1. Cute photos!

  2. Hehe ditto, I just did a 'Summertime Sadness post too! Your boots are to die for by the way!!
    Good luck in your exams :)

    love Roseanne xox

  3. Yay to Summer officially starting shortly after you finish your exams! You can do it!!
    xo TJ

  4. I love the polkadots and the Peek a boo sweater!
    Polkadots are sooo adorable!
    Great post! :) xx


  5. But the super cute shorts look even with a sweater really good!

    And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog! I checked your blog and I like it <3 Of this cause I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come again to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  6. Summer is here, love the shorts............. Good luck with the exams! xx

  7. Oh my! This outfit is so on point. I love the sweater shorts combo! Loving your blog, just followed on bloglovin' girl. xx

  8. Cute outfit! :) Good luck for exams! x

  9. Oh this is such a lovely outfit! Looks really comfortable and chic at the same time. xx


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