Sunday 28 July 2013

Brother's Shirt

A few weeks ago I was in Cornwall, the weather was fab (although it's still pretty good) and I spent all day, everyday, at the beach. Here are a few photos I never shared with you! I raided the ironing pile and found one of brother's shirts which he never wears. It was pretty huge on me so I tried tying it round my waist, which made a small improvement. 

As I write this I'm just about to go out for lunch- my parents and brother are on the train down to join me in London so we can spend the day together. Even though we've spoken every night it feels like ages since I last saw them. I even spoke to my dog on the phone the other night, she probably didn't have a clue what was happening though. She's the cutest.

I hope you've all had a great weekend, talk soon x


  1. I love how your blog is so easy to read and lovely to look at. Fun and engaging as well! I'm just gonna read a load of your posts now...

    ( if you wanna check mine out)

    1. Hi Antonia,
      That's so sweet, thank you! I try my best :-) Will deinitely check out your blog when I get home tonight x

  2. I love how effortless this looks!
    One the pros of having two older brothers is that I'm forever stealing shirts off them! xx

  3. I love wearing my dads shirts, I always sleep in them! Lovely photos! xx


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