Thursday 5 September 2013

NOTD: Lychee and Sour Apple

If you read my last post, you'll know that I love a textured nail polish every now and again, even if my nails don't. You'll also know that I got this new beauty to for my birthday, and it was only a matter of time until I tried it out! 

It's Sour Apple by Barry M, and is described as a confetti effect polish. The polish is clear, but there are tiny flecks of turquoise and neon yellow in there, which I think have a really striking effect. I toned it down a little with my favourite nude, Lychee. I've waxed lyrical about this polish and my seemingly undying love for it, all of which you can read about here

I'm all ready for Autumn and to me, this looks more like a spring/ summer colour, but who cares, it's so darn pretty. I have yet to try and remove the stuff though- and something's telling me that it ain't gonna be easy. 


  1. So similar to Nails Inc's feathers and it's lovely. Xx

  2. Love this combo! I've been umm-ing and ahh-ing about buying lychee and I think I might finally have to take the plunge and buy it!
    Yasmin xx
    The Student Wardrobe

  3. Hi what a cute nice blog honey you have.....My name isMarie I am a Blogger based in italy and I was wandering if we could follow each other GFC bloglovin
    Let me know I will follow back as always! Love Marie.

  4. adore your nail colors to the max x

    would you like to follow each other?

  5. Your nails are lovely x
    Would you like to follow each other on gfc or bloglovin?

  6. Absolutely gorgeous nail polishes. Both of them are pretty and look lovely together too. Who really cares if they are more Summery afterall it's Spring someone in the world :P

    Debra Bros Blog

  7. Great Post!
    i follow you now on GFC & Bloglovin:-) ♥

  8. They look lovely, neutral nails with a fun coloured accent nail go so well together x

  9. I love this combo. The only textured nail polish I have ever seen is by sally hansen, and to be frank it looked gross. But I need to check out this Barry M business!

    Mili from call me, Maeby


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